2 Ways To Use Digital Forensics In Your Divorce
Posted on: 1 June 2017
While no one enters into a marriage with the intention of having it end in divorce, many couples find that they are not compatible after getting married and seek to dissolve their union through divorce. When trying to separate two lives that have been joined as one, money can become a problem. In order to ensure that each party is being fairly compensated through the divorce, a thorough investigation into the financial situations of each spouse must be conducted.
Here are two ways that you can use digital forensics to help you more accurately determine financial standing in a divorce.
1. Digital forensics can uncover hidden assets.
If one party suspects another of hiding assets that could alter the distribution of financial assets during a divorce, digital forensics can be used to help uncover these assets.
If a spouse accesses a hidden account or makes payments toward a hidden credit card using his or her cell phone or home computer, these log-ins leave behind a digital trail that can be tracked by a skilled forensics professional. If you suspect your spouse of hiding assets, consider using digital forensics to help you uncover these assets during your divorce.
2. Digital forensics can help identify gratuitous spending.
When filing for divorce, each spouse must reveal his or her financial standing through a series of documents that are submitted to the court. If you suspect your spouse isn't reporting his or her income accurately, you can use digital forensics to uncover evidence of gratuitous spending.
Many people rely on social media to help them remain in contact with family and friends. Photographs are posted of special events, and users even have the opportunity to digitally check-in to various locations they visit to let friends and family know where they have been.
Information can be pulled from social media accounts showing that a spouse is attending expensive concerts or sporting events and visiting restaurants frequently, despite having claimed poverty during a divorce. Digital forensics gives you the ability to track a spouse's gratuitous spending through social media.
Going through a divorce can be challenging on many levels. In order to ensure that you aren't left to endure financial hardship after your divorce is finalized, it's important that both you and your spouse report your income and spending accurately. Digital forensics can be used to help you identify a spouse's hidden assets or gratuitous spending as you go through a divorce in the future.